I have been inspired by contemporary Native American dance fans,
and ancient Mayan, Inca, Egyptian and Chinese feather art.
All have shamanistic as well as decorative associations.

I have also attempted to integrate a regal theme by the use of Royal insignia,
from a bee from Napoleon's coach, to the helmet plate of a Bavarian prince.
These are beautiful, finely crafted, and are symbolic with power and purpose.

I have always looked for natural materials to use for handles: at first carved bone
and ivory, then mostly antique parasol and umbrella handles.
These are not only made from fine crafted antique materials like sterling silver,
gold and mother of pearl, they also had a life and a human hand attached to them
at one point in their early service. They also have been treasured and cherished
over a century after their umbrellas and parasols, and their primary
reason 'd existance had ended.

I have thought of fishing for "song fish", or "cruisers",
which are bright sets of vibrations cruising around, looking to be remembered.
They are the easiest to catch because they like to be caught.
Unfortunately this category includes a lot of bubble gum pop tunes and
advertising jingles. Spam. Got to tune it out. Like radio static.

Sometimes a stubborn song will be shy and dodge your net.
They have tried to make themselves forgettable.
This is another reason I have added crystals.
They really help to define and modify search terms,
reception and retention of "caught" songs. Less clutter.
I have often refined my "catch" by combining elements into my own
"original" compositions. You can hear several of these on my
compilation CD, Resolver, available at Liamcutchins.com